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In business there are many points of view regarding what factors are important for growth short term, midterm and long term. If we look for cooperation with a supplier regarding products, we look at these 5 criteria for stable growth;
▪  The corporate management
▪  The funding of the company
▪  The field leadership
▪  The products or services
▪  The compensation plan

Each of these 5 criteria is important to successfully establish stable growth. Our suppliers of the products we work with are there always of the highest quality available for us to be able willing to work with them and also offer you a proven product en company for stability on that part in your business as well.


If we look at our partner RAIN International in regard to all these 5 points, we she that they score amazingly well. This is also not unnoticed by the financial world. In the video below you see Paul Hickey, a well established banker who explains why he personally invested his own money in RAIN International and how financial people think and look when they invest in companies.

By now you know we operate in the Network Marketing industry. This is one of the very view if now the only industry in the world that since it started in early ’50 of the last century not one single time or year had a back fall or decline in growth. Well established business people like you also can find on this website agree that Network Marketing will be “The Wave of the Future”, “The Next Big Thing” or whatever you would like to call it. The growth potential is tremendous for those willing to learn and work the system well like it was mend to be.

Like we stated before in business it is wiser to value facts, numbers, ratios and statistics over you own personal feelings on any topic. That is why we present these figures on the page. So that you get a feeling on the magnitude this industry already is and what potential it has.

3 additional pillars for growth;

Pre paid business via the internet with a strong vision on the future, in combination with professional teaching, training, development and guidance of the entrepreneurs is the foundation of our business



Internet – New Economy
By connecting our end users – both customers and business partners – via the internet to our supplier we build and expand an international consumer base. Our supplier stays on top of demand on the marketplace by observing the trends of today and tomorrow.

Vision- Opportunity
In our vision the people are leading not the product. Physical, mental and financial well being for you, your family and for everybody. Unlimited options, the bigger your imagination, the bigger your vision, the bigger your Opportunity.


Training - Duplication
Teaching, training, Development and guidance are important aspects in our business. By recognizing your own potential and duplicating you vision and knowledge to other people open for it, you create growth.


People often wonder when they heard or read our story…but if everybody is going to do this then this has to saturate at some point. In it self a logical question, however the reality is a little harsher then the theoretical side of it. The explanation is actually very simple. We are dealing with people, we are in the people business (not the product business, that are our suppliers!). People are no robots, people have their own will, people have ego. So matter how beautiful or easy something is or appears to be, most people will always choose the way of the least resistance. Not doing what needs or should be done is for most people still easier then actually doing it.

So you have to make up your mind and figure out if you (want to) belong to that group of people or not. Yes anybody can make it in Network Marketing…anybody! The truth is not everybody will. Not because they can’t, but because they are not willing to learn and do what it takes.

How does the growth of the Network Marketing industry globally look like compared to other well known industries?

In the graphic below you will find the numbers of 2012 and 2013. At this moment we have no more accurate numbers available. But we are pretty sure that the growth shown here has doubled or more when the new numbers become available.






Geographically the dividing of the Total volume looks like this;

So in essence whether you are like or dislike Network Marketing nobody can deny that is an industry to be reckoned with, an industry that will grow explosively in the next 5 – 8 years time. Network Marketing will become a household name just like Franchise now already is (but is wasn’t always…!) Al of this is no more then logical if you understand what Network Marketing offers and solves. It solves all the traditional headaches of the old and dying economy.

So our best advice is read all the information on this web very very carefully, study it, check it. Almost all extreme successful business people in this world have or endorse Network Marketing companies. There is a reason for that?  Figure that reason out and you instantly know what to do next.

So if you look for answers and a realistic solution to enhance your life and get more out of life then you currently do, no matter where you are in life, then Network Marketing is vehicle for you to do so. In 5 to 8 years Network Marketing will be the biggest form of entrepreneurship in the world. But more important how do you see it….?


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